Happy Event – Love the skin you’re in!
LOVE THE SKIN YOU IN, WITH HAPPY EVENT #MyBodyMyRulesZA #BodyLoveZA Cape Town, February 2020: Mentholatum SA, a health and wellness company and the makers of Happy Event, recently invited a selection of South African female consumers to take part in a 14-day trial. With so much body negativity and pressure on women the world over, Happy Event decided to take a slightly different approach and invite some of its followers on a Happy Event journey to learn to love their bodies and see if Happy Event heritage products could play a role. “We believe that our bodies are wondrous works of art, allowing us to experience the magic of life, and that they deserve to be loved and looked after in the same manner they look after us. From puberty through to pregnancy or weight fluctuation, our body has the most amazing ability to [...]