Charlene Bhana – High Heels & Fairy Tales

Tell our readers all about yourself? My name is Charlene, and I’m a wife, mommy, and blogger. I have one little girl, who’s 8 years old and in grade 3. I’ve been homeschooling my little one since 2015 (grade R). I love to travel, as do my husband and child. And if it were possible, we’d gladly spend all our time exploring places new to us. I started blogging a few years ago - I’ve always loved writing, and blogging was the natural direction for me to head in when I decided to get the ol’ brain working again. I’d been entirely focused on breastfeeding, diapers, and nursery rhymes for so long; blogging was something “grown up” that I could do for myself. What is the main mission of your blog and what content can they expect to find there? It’s a parenting, travel, and [...]