Tell our readers all about yourself?
My name is Charlene, and I’m a wife, mommy, and blogger. I have one little girl, who’s 8 years old and in grade 3. I’ve been homeschooling my little one since 2015 (grade R). I love to travel, as do my husband and child. And if it were possible, we’d gladly spend all our time exploring places new to us.
I started blogging a few years ago – I’ve always loved writing, and blogging was the natural direction for me to head in when I decided to get the ol’ brain working again. I’d been entirely focused on breastfeeding, diapers, and nursery rhymes for so long; blogging was something “grown up” that I could do for myself.
What is the main mission of your blog and what content can they expect to find there?
It’s a parenting, travel, and lifestyle blog. It’s my little space online where I share experiences that we’ve had (in parenting, and life in general); places that we’ve traveled; food that we‘ve tried and loved; and products, books, or films that we think are awesome.
What is your greatest passion?
Apart from trying to be the best mom ever to my little person? Well, travel. I absolutely LOVE to travel, and even when I’m well aware of the fact that there’s no budget for a holiday far (or even not so far) away, you’ll find me trawling through the pages of travel websites or brochures; wish listing beautiful holiday destinations; or frantically calculating exchange rates like a crazy person, and then sighing over the sad state of our Rand.
What or who inspires you to live your best life?
My parents have always inspired me – their humility, their generosity even when they didn’t have much, their love and care.
My husband, for his exceptional work ethic, his faith, and his loyalty.
My little girl, for her incredible kindness, goodness, and love for adventure.
My best friend, who recently took a rather huge and brave step career-wise, as she realized it was the best thing for herself and her little family.
Where can we find you in your spare time?
What is this “spare time” you speak of? Do any moms actually know? 😂
When I do have some down time, I’m either catching a Disney movie with Zee, catching up on series with Shawn, attempting to actually finish reading a book (there are two on my bedside table, collecting dust), or eating copious amounts of sushi at one of our two favourite sushi spots.
How do you get balance in your life?
I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for, but my answer is simple: laughter. Life is busy, rushed, stressful in this fast paced world. Being able to see the funny little things in each day; having a laugh every day with my husband, my little girl, my mom, my brother, my friends – that helps keep me balanced.
What “rules” do you live by?
* I trust myself – I believe that parenting should be done your way. I do what works for me, as well as for my little person, and I trust in what I’m doing.
* I trust my child – if she’s not comfortable around someone for example, you won’t find me forcing her to speak to them or hug them.
* I respect and appreciate that my child is a unique individual, and I don’t draw comparisons. It really annoys me when that happens – “oh your baby hasn’t started teething yet? Mine already has four.” Seriously people? Seriously?
What three things could you not live without?
* My iPhone X – I’m a mom, and I can’t resist taking photos of my little one. Now that I’ve discovered the amazing camera on this phone, I can’t do without it.
* My iPad – it’s where I do all my blogging, and I love the convenience of working on it.
* Wet wipes – I don’t think I’ll ever stop buying these magical little cloths – I use them to clean hands, counter tops, sneakers, the lenses on my glasses, the floor if I split something small that doesn’t justify getting out the mop, my car’s dashboard… everything! 😁
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