Happy Event

About Happy Event

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So far Happy Event has created 45 blog entries.

Happy Event – It’s the little things

IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS …   “It’s the little things. Finding the joy in the small things in life.” – Sarah Ford A cliché? But, oh, so very true! It often feels as if we spend our lives rushing from one week and month to the next, marking time via important occasions! The big birthday, family holidays, weddings and anniversaries … the birth of our baba 😊Of course, we do! How incredible each of these special days are! And yet, it is without a doubt the seemingly ‘ordinary’ moments that fill a day and make up a life. Seemingly ‘ordinary, yet ‘extraordinary’ … So, let us be present and let us soak up each moment. Here’s to finding the joy every day, in every way: Morning cuddles with baba … Those minutes before the alarm signals the start of the day … That first cuppa [...]

Happy Event – It’s the little things2023-06-05T14:22:15+02:00

Happy Event – Winter Tips

BRRR … IT’S GETTING COLD OUT THERE …   Taking care of one’s skin is ALWAYS important – 24/7 and 365. However, colder weather can cause our skin to dry out even more than usual. A drop in temperature can cause our skin to battle to retain its moisture, leading to itchy and dry skin. To help prevent this, it is vital to keep our skin thoroughly moisturised during the colder months. Some tips to help take care of your skin this winter: The benefits of hydration are well known – what you put in, shows up! During winter, make sure you stay properly hydrated. It helps to improve the skin’s elasticity, combat oiliness and helps one’s skin to glow. Use a humidifier. For those needing a little bit of something extra – humidifiers can help to pull moisture back into the air helping with [...]

Happy Event – Winter Tips2023-06-05T14:19:04+02:00

Happy Event – Routine during pregnancy

A REGULAR ROUTINE DURING PREGNANCY – GOOD FOR BABY, ESSENTIAL FOR MOM Maintaining a regular routine can be incredibly valuable and important during uncertain and stressful times. This is particularly true for pregnant women, who may already be experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and uncertainty. A regular routine is proven to help reduce stress and regulate one’s sleep. It can also go a long way to encouraging healthy habits and provide a sense of control as moms-to-be prepare for the arrival of their precious bundle of joy. So … as you journey through this special time, we thought we would share some ideas on what to include in a regular routine over the coming months: Stay hydrated. Drinking sufficient water each day is essential for staying hydrated, promoting healthy skin, and supporting overall health and wellness. A healthy diet. Eating a well-balanced diet that is [...]

Happy Event – Routine during pregnancy2023-04-26T15:15:28+02:00

Happy Event – Pack the perfect hospital bag

BIG BREATH MAMA … IT’S ALMOST TIME There can be no doubt that the last months have been filled with so many magic and memorable moments! From when you first found out that baba was on his or her way … to your beautiful bump beginning to show itself, watching and feeling your body as it changed, bonding with baba growing inside of you … And now … almost time to hold your bundle of joy as you begin the next chapter of your beautiful journey together! The final stages of preparation are here. To help you get ready for one of life’s most heartfelt and special moments, we’ve put together a handy list to help you make sure you have everything you need. Below please find a list of what our team consider ‘essential’ and practical items that you can then add to as [...]

Happy Event – Pack the perfect hospital bag2023-02-28T16:07:44+02:00

Happy Event – Taking Care of a Little One

TAKING CARE OF LITTLE ONE … ONE STEP AT A TIME Pregnancy – probably one of the most joyous and memorable times of a woman’s life! Yes, it comes with its fair share of challenges and, at times, discomfort. But …. ahhhhhh, the wonder and miracle of watching and feeling that precious soul growing inside of you! I think we can all agree that taking care of our precious bundle is priority number one! And, as we know, that starts with us! It is about so much more than only what we put ‘into’ our bodies. What we put ‘on’ our bodies is as important. Did you know that certain ingredients that are absorbed by your body, can be absorbed by your baby’s body as well? Whilst the list of what to avoid can feel overwhelming, it is perhaps a safer and saner option to [...]

Happy Event – Taking Care of a Little One2022-12-02T17:30:47+02:00

Happy Event – Beat the Heat this Summer

‘BEAT THE HEAT’ THIS SUMMER Feeling hot and sweaty this summer Mama? Completely understandable – you are busy growing a human inside of you! On top of which, some studies indicate that a pregnant women’s baseline temperature can actually increase, albeit slightly, whilst pregnant. All the more reason to stay cool, calm and collected as the temperatures start to rise. Some tips on how to ‘beat the heat’ this Summer! Hydrate! Water comes with multiple benefits so be sure to drink enough of it throughout the day. Fruit! Delicious water-based fruit can also help keep one hydrated – and cool! Stock up on watermelon, strawberries, lettuce, cucumber – even an iced lolly or two. Wear loose clothing that feels light and comfortable and allows your body, and skin, to breathe. Stay out of the sun and the heat – as much as possible. Rest! Afternoon [...]

Happy Event – Beat the Heat this Summer2022-10-17T14:13:45+02:00

Happy Event – Keeping Moms Happy – Every Step of the Way

KEEPING MOMS HAPPY – EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!   From stretch marks to postnatal body loving – and all the stages in between, Happy Event has been nourishing women’s skin for over 50 years! Stretch Marks Sooner or later, it’s more than likely going to happen to all of us! Common amongst pregnant women, particularly in those last three months, stretch marks typically appear on various places on one’s body – abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks, amongst other. Although not at all painful, or dangerous, it is often seen as a curse for many who battle with the sight of it on their body. At Happy Event, we take a slightly different approach – encouraging women to LOVE their bodies and to give it the time and care it so deserves!  Happy Event’s range of products has been reducing and preventing stretch marks for the [...]

Happy Event – Keeping Moms Happy – Every Step of the Way2022-10-06T16:17:54+02:00

Happy Event – Happy Mama = Happy Baba

A HAPPY MAMA EQUALS A HAPPY BABA Skincare after pregnancy   There is no denying it! Motherhood is wonderous and joyous and yet, it can also come with its fair share of challenges and exhaustion! As mothers, it is so important to take time out for ourselves – to give back to ourselves and our bodies. We need to make sure that we nourish ourselves with as much care and attention as we nourish the precious little babies entrusted into our care! Sometimes, seemingly small acts of self-love can give us the greatest results! A refreshing shower, a relaxing soak in the tub, a bit of skin and body pampering! To make the most of that shower or soak – Happy Event Luxury Cream Bars consists of unique creamy formulations that help to reduce stretch marks post pregnancy. This gentle, foaming cream bar deeply nourishes dry [...]

Happy Event – Happy Mama = Happy Baba2022-08-22T16:22:29+02:00

Happy Event – Celebrate your skin’s beauty the natural way

CELEBRATE YOUR SKIN’S BEAUTY THE NATURAL WAY Skincare during pregnancy There is no denying it! Pregnancy changes a woman’s life forever – bringing both countless joys and perhaps some unexpected challenges.   From swollen feet to the craziest cravings, the first movement and every single scan, it is a memorable and life altering nine months! All the more reason for moms to be to take extra special care of themselves as they transition into the beautiful and exciting world of motherhood. Look for products that will help ease the stress of a changing body – taking care of your physical body as your head and your heart begins to prepare for the arrival of a new little person.   The good news is that some products have stood the test of time, helping a mom not only during pregnancy but also able to transition with [...]

Happy Event – Celebrate your skin’s beauty the natural way2022-07-12T08:41:45+02:00

Happy Event – Vitamin E – Give your skin the love it deserves

VITAMIN E – GIVE YOUR SKIN THE LOVE IT DESERVES Vitamins are essential nutrients – helping our bodies to perform and function to the best of their ability. Increasingly, vitamins are playing a growing role in effective skincare as well. From assistance with skin conditions through to protection from the elements – the benefit of vitamins in one’s skincare routine are countless. Known to be important for one’s heart, eyes, brain and immune system – Vitamin E is also one of the greatest gifts we can give our skin! A natural moisturiser, Vitamin E protects the skin from loss of moisture and boosts circulation that, in turn, aids in helping to prevent cell damage while promoting skin renewal. Clinical trials have found that olive oil contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-aging properties due to it being packed with both antioxidants and many vitamins – including that [...]

Happy Event – Vitamin E – Give your skin the love it deserves2022-06-12T18:17:29+02:00