From stretch marks to postnatal body loving – and all the stages in between, Happy Event has been nourishing women’s skin for over 50 years!

Stretch Marks

Sooner or later, it’s more than likely going to happen to all of us! Common amongst pregnant women, particularly in those last three months, stretch marks typically appear on various places on one’s body – abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks, amongst other. Although not at all painful, or dangerous, it is often seen as a curse for many who battle with the sight of it on their body.

At Happy Event, we take a slightly different approach – encouraging women to LOVE their bodies and to give it the time and care it so deserves!  Happy Event’s range of products has been reducing and preventing stretch marks for the past 50+ years.


Without a doubt, one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life! And yet, those nine months can at times feel exhausting! All the more reason to remember to take time out. As moms to be, we need to remember that caring for ourselves and our bodies is AS important as caring for the precious soul growing within us.

With over 50 years of rich heritage, Happy Event has consistently helped keep pregnant skins beautifully soft and hydrated.

Happy Mama equals Happy Baba. At Happy Event, we understand that in the midst of looking after everyone else – seemingly small acts of selfcare can often make the biggest difference.

To make the most of that precious and rare ‘time out’, Happy Event’s range of soaps and firming creams provide the perfect answer – adding just a little bit extra to that relaxing shower or soak, together with some much-needed body pampering all day long.

We are proud to be part of the journey of helping women to learn to love their bodies and to help women give back to themselves during some of their most precious moments.

To view the full range, please pop on over to: Our Products – Happy Event