Tell our readers all about yourself?

Hi! I’m Heather, I’m a teacher and spend my mornings running around after two year olds at a lovely country school in the heart of Sandton, my afternoons building things with my five year old son and my evenings blogging! My son is the result of five hard years of infertility, so he’s an extra special wanted little one. I’m also married to Brett, who works hard as an operations manager, and also assists me at times taking pictures and editing. I started blogging my infertility journey at One Step at a Time, and later started SA Mom Blogs and now also do the education and arts and crafts blog Children’s Kickstart.

What is the main mission of your blog and what content can they expect to find there?

At One Step at a Time I record personal details of my life and cute things Nicky gets up to. With SA Mom Blogs I showcase guest posts of SA mom bloggers as well as running product reviews and giveaways. Children’s Kickstart shares parenting, educational and arts and crafts posts.

What is your greatest passion?

I love creating things. So I like writing content and crafting a good post. I also like making crafty art projects for school too.

What or who inspires you to live your best life?

I have quite a few inspirations. God inspires me to be humble and learn to be a better person every day through the experiences I have. My late father inspires me to build a business. My son brings out my playful side. My boss gives me ideas for dealing with kids and creative ideas for our artistic endevours. There are also a lot of bloggers out there that I observe and learn from.

Where can we find you in your spare time?

In front of the computer, in front of the TV next to my husband! I also like to swim, bake and make things with my son.

How do you get balance in your life?

I try and make sleep a priority. If I have to lose time of working because I needed to catch up on sleep, so be it. Evenings in front of the TV with my husband, even if the laptop is there and I’m tapping away… I also phone my mom several times a week. I go to church and my small group to connect with God and friends – that’s important to me too.

What “rules” do you live by?

It’s ok if you make mistakes. The important thing is that you learn from them, move on, and make better decisions next time.

What three things could you not live without?

If it’s things: my laptop, my phone and my car.

TOP 3 recommendations for the mommies reading this post?

Give yourself grace! Trust your mom instincts above all. This too shall pass.





