Tell our readers all about yourself?
I’ve been many things in my life: Aerobics Instructor, Copywriter, Aromatherapist, Entrepreneur, Network Marketer, Training Consultant, Head of Network Marketing, Presenter, Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Freelance Journalist, Sales Executive and now I’m a Wife, Mom and Digital Entrepreneur.
I’m 45, my son is 4-and-a-half and I also have a beautiful bonus daughter, who is 14.
Wearing many hats is probably my Super Power, as it is for so many Mom Entrepreneurs. At almost every stage of my life, I’ve had at least 3 jobs on the go with 3 streams of income.
Except for my first 2 years as a Mom. I was 40 when I had my son and having him was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. He is the light of my life. My amazing husband supported me in being a stay-at-home Mom and continued to support me in working from home when I started my online career.
My vision with my online business is to retire my husband early so he can be home with us too as his dream is to be a stay-at-home Dad.
What is the main mission of your blog and what content can they expect to find there?
My first website was Happy Human Pacifier.
It started out being all about Breastfeeding and Attachment Parenting because I breastfed my son full-term. He let nursing go of his own accord when he was nearly 4-years-old.
My vision with this site is to encourage and inspire more Moms to breastfeed for 2 years and beyond. I have interviewed and featured Moms with amazing breastfeeding stories, like tandem feeding and inducing lactation to breastfeed an adopted child.
Over time, and through accepting guest posts, this site has grown to include other subjects that interest Moms, like Home Décor, Going Green, Kids Parties, Self-Care etc.
My second site was Inspiring Mompreneurs.
On this site I feature the stories of Mom Entrepreneurs, Mom Inventors and Mom Bloggers and showcase ways Moms can make money.
My vision is to help Stay-at-home Moms or Working Moms become Entrepreneurs so they can bring their dreams to life, balancing their desire to be home with their family with their desire to shine.
My newest site is Lauren Kinghorn.
This is where I share my journey as a Digital Entrepreneur, from How to Start a Blog to Blogger Income Reports to Self-Care Tips to Health Spa Reviews, and everything in-between.
My vision is to help women make money from home, whether it’s through finding a suitable side hustle or creating an online empire.
What is your greatest passion?
To help women recognize their inner light, strength and beauty so that they can live their passion and thrive.
What or who inspires you to live your best life?
My Creator and His magnificent Creation, my Mom, my husband, our children, my friends, all the amazing women I interview, brilliant Authors I follow, myself.
I am inspired by everyone and every interaction. I find nature, people, life inspiring.
Where can we find you in your spare time?
- Playing in the sand dunes or the waves with my son.
- Walking on the Beach with my Mom or son.
- At a Health Spa with my Mom and my friends.
- Eating sushi with my family.
- Having a cuppa coffee or glass of wine with friends at a playdate.
How do you get balance in your life?
My son, husband and friends give me balance. If it weren’t for them, I’d always be working. I’m passionate about my online business and there’s always something to do on my websites.
What “rules” do you live by?
I’m not really into rules. I live by strange rules, they are more like mantras playing in my head, like:
Choose Happiness
Give up the Idea that something’s wrong
If LOVE isn’t the answer, then the question is clearly wrong.
What three things could you not live without?
Smartphone, Laptop, WiFi
TOP 3 recommendations for the mommies reading this post?
- Breastfeed for as long as you possibly can (aim for 2 years).
- Find your passion and live it. (Choose happiness).
- Write a book or start a blog (even if it’s just for your friends and family to read).
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks, blog and websites)?
Oh my goodness, with 3 sites, I have so many social media profiles… So… I’ll just add my favourite places to hangout.
Social Media: