Tell our readers all about yourself?

Hello, I am Mari-Louise. A proudly South African, Pretoria mom and wife to my Mr.Perfect. In my pre-baby life I used to be a teacher, I used to be an artist, a world-traveller and semi-party animal. Then on the 13th of February 2012, life changed forever! I became a Mamma. Fast forward a couple of years… The Candi-clan is growing strong with the addition of 2 more littles. We have THREE beautiful, bubbly girls filling our home with joy, messiness, LOADS of chatter and love. Challenges are inevitable and even with so much negativity in the world, I am determined to make the most out of this “motherhood journey”. Filling our lives with God, love, adventure, fun and the odd Mojito or two. Together with Mr. perfect we share the ups, downs, highs, lows and pajama drill moments as well as some awesome tips, finds and things we’re learning as we go along.

What is the main mission of your blog and what content can they expect to find there?

Just a Mamma is a proudly South African parenting blog that strives to celebrate motherhood and parenting with all it entails. The good, the bad, the fun and the messy.

Focused on helping new (and older) parents cope with everything this new season of life holds. Sharing tips, advice, great and innovative products (mostly local) and honest posts on pregnancy, babies, toddlers and preschool.

We want to be a hopeful light of positive encouragement where moms and dads don’t just see a reflection on their challenges but also a space where they can feel motivated, recharged and ready to take on anything that toddler throws at them.

What is your greatest passion?

Family! Celebrating and appreciating family life. Connecting with other parents and together raising kids that can change the world. I also LOVE traveling. It recharges my soul.

What or who inspires you to live your best life?

My husband. He is my biggest fan and cheerleader. Always supporting me and helping me with whatever I need. Everything would be boring without him by my side.

Where can we find you in your spare time?

Spare time, with 3 kids. I’m probably taking a shower.

How do you get balance in your life?

Balance. Another unachievable goal… A word used to make us all feel inadequate. I have way too much passion to try living a balanced life. I rather spend time living to the fullest, enjoying every moment and counting my blessings.

What “rules” do you live by?

Rules drive be me crazy. (Probably the rebel teen still hiding somewhere inside) – I just always try to act with kindness.

What three things could you not live without?

  1. My Bible
  2. My Family
  3. My Camera

TOP 3 recommendations for the mommies reading this post?

  1. Love covers a multitude of mistakes so stop being so hard on yourself.
  2. Trusts your instincts, even if you think you don’t have any.
  3. Pray, for your husband, your kids, everything.

What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?




