Tell our readers all about yourself?
I am many things, and at this stage of my life, my first priority is being a mom. I have two adorable children, Paige is 6 years and Ethan is 4 years. They take up a lot of my energy, and as a stay-at-home mom, most of my time as well. If I’m not doing school runs, doctor appointments or cleaning, I’m at my computer blogging. I am also a wife, daughter, sister, novice photographer and content creator. My happy place is my family, home and the small online space I have created for my blogs. I launched a second blog last year, Lifestyle Rerouted, which provides an outlet to share my love of travel and wildlife.
What is the main mission of your blog and what content can they expect to find there?
The Mommy City was started 6 years ago with the intention of providing local reviews to parents making important product purchases for their growing family. When I was researching the perfect pram for my daughter, I kept finding UK and USA reviews, but little from local sources.
My blog is a way of sharing my reviews and experiences of local and international brands, with a distinctly South African perspective. Through my blog I meet and engage with a host of people and I love hearing the story behind how a product/idea/brand went from conception, all the way through production and to the end user.
What is your greatest passion?
Art. I have always found beauty and joy through music, art and photography.
What or who inspires you to live your best life?
Everyone inspires me in some way to be a better person and appreciate the life that I live. I have my health, economic stability, a support structure and age on my side. These things I never take for granted. I see people everyday overcome obstacles, or struggle with challenges. I owe it to them, to myself, to appreciate and make the best of my life. There are, of course, a few people who stand out the most. My mother will always be by my side, and my husband who wants a happy and fulfilled life together.
Where can we find you in your spare time?
When I’m feeling active, I’ll be at the gym or busy gardening. As a family we spend a lot of time together going for walks, on outings or eating out. I do enjoy spending time editing images, blogging or watching series with hubby.
How do you get balance in your life?
For a long time, I never found a balance. It is easier now the children are older and we are closer to a support network. My husband and I have learnt to be more honest with each other as to our own needs, and to give each other space to pursue our interests. I find, however, that our point of balance is forever shifting as we move through the various stages of life. The lessons I have learnt and which allow me balance, is to remain flexible, to anticipate changes and to prioritize what really matters.
What “rules” do you live by?
Be kind to yourself, to the environment and to others. To be ‘kind’ encompasses all the attributes that a person needs to make a difference in their own life and those around them.
What three things could you not live without?
The three things that I would miss terribly would be tea, hot showers and companionship. As much as I enjoy quiet moments and time at home, I would miss the noise of the kids playing, cuddles and long conversations over cups of tea.
TOP 3 recommendations for the mommies reading this post?
Listen, learn and love. Listen to your children, your partner, family and friends. Let them be heard, and then listen to yourself so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Learn from others, from your own successes and mistakes. Love yourself, your family and the people who bring you strength.
What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you?
Readers are welcome to connect via my blog, newsletter and social media platforms. I look forward to reading your comments on your favourite posts.